Friday, February 8, 2008

Day 200

Weigh-in: 209.6 lbs

The 200th day of the new lifestyle has arrived. With it ironically comes a new low weigh-in that puts me below my current goal of 210. This is good news!

Here's a new side compare pic. I didn't realize it had been 51 days since I'd posted one last...

I can't even believe day 1 when I look at it anymore. Seems like a different person.


Rob Tucker said...

Wow, what a difference. That's just awesome. I need to put this picture up, and put Billy's before/afters up on my fridge to remind me what I COULD be doing if I got my head out of my ass.

Of course, having half naked dudes on my fridge might be a bit weird.

inked said...

That is really amazing. Great job and Billy are both inspirations for us still FAT guys.

Something tells me that the only reason it would be weird for Rob to hang up half naked dude pictures is because they wouldn't mesh well with the fully naked playgirl pictures already there.

Brian said...

now when i look at day 200 it looks like I'm trying to suck my gut in. I promise I'm not, I'm just trying to stand up straight because I always slouch, heh.

And I think you're right about Rob's playgirl pics, good point.

Melissa said...

Brian, awesome work you have done! You have defintely shown how it can be done!

billy said...

Having those pics on the fridge might help Rob lose his appetite ;)

Amazing progress. It does look like you're sucking your gut in but who cares, theres definitely a big difference from day 149.

Isn't it great to have the pictures to compare!!??

Brian said...

I think I have to take another pic this weekend so I can prove I wasnt sucking anything in.

And yea, having pics is one of the best things you can do IMO.

inked said...

I'm taking some updated pics this weekend along with measurements. Hopefully I'll see some progress as well.

Jim McCoy said...

Can you please explain to me what's so ironic about a new low on your 200th day? I don't see anything ironic about the fact that you've gotten what you've earned at all. Good work and keep it up. Those pics are impressive

Ripx180 said...

amazing transformation man. pics speak a thousand words and yours are talking.

Jay said...

wow, truly amazing...Nice work man!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, fantastic stuff, man!

Those pictures are such an encouragement for those of us closer to the day one than day two hundred end of things.

But, if you're gonna take the Playgirl photos, just email them to Rob. No need to put them on the blog.