Thursday, May 15, 2008


Just thought I'd let you all know, as of last night, I'm engaged!

Uhmm...I guess that's it!

Bubye now!


Anonymous said...


Kristen said...

Congratulations! Another great reason to stay in shape.

Anonymous said...


Melissa said...

Congrats :) I got engaged a few weeks ago to :)

billy said...

wow man, congrats!

Rob Tucker said...

Stud! Congrats!

(to you too Mel!)

Dave said...

Congratulations, I am celebrating my 10th anniversary in exactly 1 month :)

Ripx180 said...

Thats great news!! congrats. I am pushing 10 years married and 13 years with my wife and it couldn't be better :). Think how good you will look in your tux with all that weight you lost.

Anonymous said...

That's great!! Congrats!

Brian said...

thanks for the well wishes everyone!

BTW, i'm leaving on my two week bicycle tour here in a few days. If anyone wants to keep up with that I'll be keeping a blog of it while i'm away. Found here:

Jim McCoy said...

Wow! Congrats!