Today's weigh-in: 247.6 lbs
Well, I got my pics back from hiking. A lot of them didn’t come out because I used a shitty disposable camera, and because I didn’t use the flash. I never said I was smart.
If anyone is interested in viewing all of the pics, go here.
I was kind of surprised seeing this one. That's me on the left; I actually look thin! Part of it is an allusion because I'm wearing a back brace, but so what.
We had a great time on the trip hiking a total of 18 miles over two days. It ended up being a harder hike than we thought, and we had to climb using our hands during a few sections. The nice part was that all of my cardio work has paid off because I felt great, and all three guys mentioned several times that I "looked strong" , as I was flying up the inclines and leaving people in the dust.
That doesn't mean I'm not sore this week though. I think no matter what shape you're in hiking up mountains in like taking a baseball bat to your body.
Here's a quick breakdown of what transpired over the weekend:
- Leave work and all of us meet up at friend’s house. We all pile in my Jeep and head to the outdoor store, the state store (liquor store for you non state controlled liquor types), then we get on the road.
- It’s about a 3 hour drive, except that it starts to rain REALLY REALLY hard. I can barely see out the window while we're driving and I have to go 45 mph.
- We arrive at the camp site around midnight. Luckily the rain had just stopped. We set up a quick camp near where we're going to start the hike the next day. We're tired, but feel relived we're finally there, and so we decide to relax and drink a bit. I'm drinking diet coke and Captain Morgan's.
- Well, between my friend Dan and me, somehow the bottle of Captain Morgan's was finished. I never did go to sleep that night. Somehow I ended up kind of passed out in the driver’s seat of my car which was parked next to the tent. I had wet socks on and my head hurt. The sun was blinding and it was 6am. I decided I better get in the tent and get some sleep.
- I slept from 6am-9am.
- woke up in a bit of a haze after 3 hours of sleep, but no headache. Thank god.
- Grabbed breakfast at a local small town, then got on the trail.
- got a bright and early start on the trail, 12:30pm.
- hiked 7 miles. Up rocky hills, over creeks, through the woods.
- got to camp next to the pond at about 5pm.
- set up camp, started insanely large fire.
- this is where 3 hours of sleep and 7 miles of hiking makes me kind of tired. I crashed in my tent.
- awoke well rested, hikes 10 miles over mountains, creeks, woods. Filtered and boiled drinking water, ate lunch, rested. You know, did all of those hiking outdoorsy things.
- got back to the car at 4pm
- drove for an hour, got dinner at Ruby Tuesday's (Salad and coffee for me. Everyone else had burgers and beers)
- Dropped friend off in the City. Got home around 10.
It was a good weekend.
I took off yesterday and today from running to give my achy calves a break. I'll start that up again tomorrow, or maybe this afternoon depending on how I feel.
Now it's back to work...
I'm back!
8 years ago
looks like a really great time. The fall colors there are beautiful. makes me want to go back packing. To bad you didn't have a better camera with you looks like there were some great photo opps to be had. Do you ever fish those mountain lakes?
Sounds awesome, I wish you had invited me. ;)
Very cool, man. Strange thing though - the part I was impressed about the most was the salad and coffee. After that whole thing, you didn't feel the need to 'reward' yourself with beer and burgers.
I see a transformation happening!
the way I see it is, I just burned 6 or 7 thousand calories over the weekend. Why would I want to ruin that by eating a 1,000 calorie burger?
I'm a mediocre fisherman at best, and unfortunately I've never made it up that far to do it. I normally stick to closer places for fishing.
Looks pretty and like a weekend well spent. Like Rob said the salad and coffee is impressive - I dont blame you on not wanting to waste a 1000 calories that you worked so hard to burn.
Reminds me of the days when I used to go canoeing down the Deleware River with my college buddies. Not much exercise involved (except the 12 oz. curls) since we'd tie are canoes together and float down stream.
Ah the times they are a changing! Sounds like you kept things in check. Good for you Captain!
Man, sounds like a really great time! You were looking thin in those pics, and I bet you felt awesome having lost all that weight. Nice job man, those types of trips make the weight loss feel great!
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